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Featured on Redfin's 7 Tips for a Festive Season

Zoom Snake Rug
Zoom Snake Rug
Zoom Snake Rug

Snake Rug


Hurry, Only 3 Left!

Maker: M.A Estudio

This wall piece is part of the serpent series, wich is inspired by one of the oldest symbols used by many ancestral cultures around the world. The snake has represented for centuries the transmission of knowledge, the opposing forces; order - chaos and fertility. It was used also as a symbol of the creator gods of humanity.

  • Technique: Pedal loom weaving with hand-embossed finishes.
  • Colors can be customized


Dimensions: 115 x 65 cm / 45 x 26" approx
Weight: 3.2 lbs


Snake Rug



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